Arduino Flash Bulb Triggering (or alternative)

hi all,

i made project little while 20 cardboard cutouts of people cameras , 20 led's embedded give effect of pictures being taken when pressure sensor triggered. led's fire @ random.

the led's worked inside it's been requested upgraded outside event.

i'd use real camera flash bulbs real flash effect haven't been able find on using flash bulbs , not entire camera. don't want take photos, want trigger 20 or flash bulbs trigger @ random.

my question is:

are there tutorials can lead me to assist this?
are there specific flash bulbs (without camera) recommend type of project? need these things blindingly bright , trigger pressure sensor , arduino uno.

thank you!

if mean xenon flash bulbs, aware operate high voltages , can severely spoil day if upset them - don't fooled couple of aa batteries power them.

a source used photo labs scrounge single-use cameras, guess source has pretty dried now.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Arduino Flash Bulb Triggering (or alternative)

