FDK 7.1/FrameMaker 7.1 F_ApiDelete


i thing have found bug in fdk7.1 or framemaker 7.1.
we have table cell in there lot of markers , graphics anchors.

see this:


there aproximatelly 10 marker element , 20 graph elements.

now programattically delete graph element. use recurisve function graph element , call on each:
f_apidelete(docid, elemid).

but suprised marker elements deletes also.
it looks there problem elements, 1 byte textranges.

than have replaced f_apidelete f_apideletetext , worked.
so problem not in our algorithm in f_apidelete function.

maybe problem caused invalid structure, because graph,marker elements not allowed in structure.

is know bug?

regards peter

hi peter,

i have never known f_apidelete() fail, whether or not on elements or other objects, , whether or not element structures valid. have used these types of elements too. absolutely sure element ids valid? how obtaining them? using element tree step through them fp_firstchildelement , fp_nextsiblingelement, etc.?


More discussions in FrameMaker Structured

