hi all
im trying make "fancy" light go on flag pole when camping in caravan. im testing using 1m 30led strip , want create different patterns , randomise them. have patterns done strandtest code few changes here , there. i've seen code on adafruits site looks light knight rider , have code fast led library led goes 1 way bounces back. when reaches start changes colour , repeats. want colour change on knight rider type 1 cant work.
if has other cool patterns not mind sharing good. going 5 meter strip in end.
this adafruit code.
this led bounce code.
im trying make "fancy" light go on flag pole when camping in caravan. im testing using 1m 30led strip , want create different patterns , randomise them. have patterns done strandtest code few changes here , there. i've seen code on adafruits site looks light knight rider , have code fast led library led goes 1 way bounces back. when reaches start changes colour , repeats. want colour change on knight rider type 1 cant work.
if has other cool patterns not mind sharing good. going 5 meter strip in end.
this adafruit code.
code: [select]
#include <adafruit_neopixel.h>
#define n_leds 30
#define pin 6
adafruit_neopixel strip = adafruit_neopixel(n_leds, pin, neo_grb + neo_khz800);
void setup() {
int pos = 0, dir = 1; // position, direction of "eye"
void loop() {
int j;
// draw 5 pixels centered on pos. setpixelcolor() clip any
// pixels off ends of strip, don't need watch that.
//strip.setpixelcolor(pos - 2, 16,0,0); // dark red
//strip.setpixelcolor(pos - 1, 128,0,0); // medium red
//strip.setpixelcolor(pos , 255,48,0); // center pixel brightest
//strip.setpixelcolor(pos - 1, 128,0,0); // medium red
//strip.setpixelcolor(pos - 2, 16,0,0); // dark red
//strip.setpixelcolor(pos - 2, 255,10,0); // dark red
//strip.setpixelcolor(pos - 1, 0,255,0); // medium red
//strip.setpixelcolor(pos , 0,150,255); // center pixel brightest
//strip.setpixelcolor(pos - 1, 0,255,0); // medium red
//strip.setpixelcolor(pos - 2, 255,10,0); // dark red
strip.setpixelcolor(pos - 2, 0x100000); // dark red
strip.setpixelcolor(pos - 1, 0x800000); // medium red
strip.setpixelcolor(pos , 0xff3000); // center pixel brightest
strip.setpixelcolor(pos + 1, 0x800000); // medium red
strip.setpixelcolor(pos + 2, 0x100000); // dark red
// rather being sneaky , erasing tail pixel,
// it's easier erase , draw new 1 next time.
for(j=-2; j<= 2; j++) strip.setpixelcolor(pos+j, 0);
// bounce off ends of strip
pos += dir;
if(pos < 0) {
pos = 1;
dir = -dir;
} else if(pos >= strip.numpixels()) {
pos = strip.numpixels() - 2;
dir = -dir;
this led bounce code.
code: [select]
#include <fastled.h>
#define num_leds 30
#define data_pin 6
crgb leds[num_leds];
void setup() {
fastled.addleds<neopixel, data_pin>(leds, num_leds);
void loop() {
// first slide led in 1 direction
for(int = 0; < num_leds; i++) {
// set i'th led red
leds[i] = crgb::red;
// show leds
// we've shown leds, reset i'th led black
leds[i] = crgb::black;
// wait little bit before loop around , again
// go in other direction.
for(int = num_leds-1; >= 0; i--) {
// set i'th led red
leds[i] = crgb::red;
// show leds
// we've shown leds, reset i'th led black
leds[i] = crgb::black;
// wait little bit before loop around , again
// first slide led in 1 direction
for(int = 0; < num_leds; i++) {
// set i'th led red
leds[i] = crgb::green;
// show leds
// we've shown leds, reset i'th led black
leds[i] = crgb::black;
// wait little bit before loop around , again
// go in other direction.
for(int = num_leds-1; >= 0; i--) {
// set i'th led red
leds[i] = crgb::green;
// show leds
// we've shown leds, reset i'th led black
leds[i] = crgb::black;
// wait little bit before loop around , again
// first slide led in 1 direction
for(int = 0; < num_leds; i++) {
// set i'th led red
leds[i] = crgb::blue;
// show leds
// we've shown leds, reset i'th led black
leds[i] = crgb::black;
// wait little bit before loop around , again
// go in other direction.
for(int = num_leds-1; >= 0; i--) {
// set i'th led red
leds[i] = crgb::blue;
// show leds
// we've shown leds, reset i'th led black
leds[i] = crgb::black;
// wait little bit before loop around , again
a little bit more information on want please.
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > LEDs and Multiplexing > neopixel code issue
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