i'm trying spin openhab app on raspberry 2, , have troubles reaching port 4304 connecting owfs server 1-wire devices on it.
here i'm getting telnet
please advise. thanks!
i'm trying spin openhab app on raspberry 2, , have troubles reaching port 4304 connecting owfs server 1-wire devices on it.
here i'm getting telnet
here config filepi@raspberrypi:~ $ telnet 4304
telnet: unable connect remote host: connection refused
here openhab starting outputpi@raspberrypi:~ $ cat /etc/owfs.conf
! server: server =
######################### owfs ##########################
mountpoint = /mnt/1wire
####################### owhttpd #########################
http: port = 2121
####################### owftpd ##########################
ftp: port = 2120
####################### owserver ########################
server: port =
, how start owfspi@raspberrypi:/opt/openhab $ sudo ./start.sh
launching openhab runtime...
osgi> 2016-05-30 14:28:13.177 [info ] [.o.core.internal.coreactivator] - openhab runtime has been started (v1.8.1).
2016-05-30 14:28:41.345 [info ] [o.o.i.s.i.discoveryserviceimpl] - mdns service has been started
2016-05-30 14:28:43.079 [info ] [o.o.i.s.i.discoveryserviceimpl] - service discovery initialization completed.
2016-05-30 14:28:47.651 [info ] [c.internal.modelrepositoryimpl] - loading model 'db4o.persist'
2016-05-30 14:28:53.265 [info ] [c.internal.modelrepositoryimpl] - loading model 'exec.persist'
2016-05-30 14:28:53.425 [info ] [c.internal.modelrepositoryimpl] - loading model 'logging.persist'
2016-05-30 14:28:53.746 [info ] [c.internal.modelrepositoryimpl] - loading model 'rrd4j.persist'
2016-05-30 14:28:54.636 [info ] [c.internal.modelrepositoryimpl] - loading model 'demo.items'
2016-05-30 14:29:18.871 [info ] [c.internal.modelrepositoryimpl] - loading model 'demo.sitemap'
2016-05-30 14:29:26.595 [info ] [c.internal.modelrepositoryimpl] - loading model 'demo.script'
2016-05-30 14:29:49.421 [info ] [penhab.io.rest.restapplication] - started rest api @ /rest
2016-05-30 14:29:55.708 [info ] [.o.u.w.i.servlet.webappservlet] - started classic ui @ /classicui/openhab.app
2016-05-30 14:30:05.548 [info ] [.service.abstractactiveservice] - ntp refresh service has been started
2016-05-30 14:30:06.656 [info ] [.p.rrd4j.internal.rrd4jservice] - removing invalid defintion component = null heartbeat = 0 min/max = 0.0/0.0 step = 0 0 archives(s) = [] 0 items(s) = []
2016-05-30 14:30:07.492 [error] [o.o.b.o.i.c.onewireconnection ] - couldn't connect owserver [ip '' port '4304']:
2016-05-30 14:30:07.524 [warn ] [o.o.b.o.i.c.onewireconnection ] - inital connection owserver failed!
however, port 2121 (used owhttpd) works pretty well, i'm able see devices through browser.sudo /opt/owfs/bin/owfs -c /etc/owfs.conf --i2c=all:all --allow_other /mnt/1wire
sudo /opt/owfs/bin/owhttpd -c /etc/owfs.conf --i2c=all:all --allow_other /mnt/1wire
sudo /opt/owfs/bin/owserver -c /etc/owfs.conf--i2c=all:all --allow_other /mnt/1wire
please advise. thanks!
case closed, there syntax error in owserver start command, correct 1 here
> sudo /opt/owfs/bin/owserver -c /etc/owfs.conf --i2c=all:all --allow_other /mnt/1wire
> sudo /opt/owfs/bin/owserver -c /etc/owfs.conf --i2c=all:all --allow_other /mnt/1wire
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