How to use this code - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have solar inverter , nice person shared code:

code: select all

import urllib2 import serial, time  import sqlite3 import json import urllib import datetime import calendar import os  os_env = os.environ  app_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))  # directory project_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(app_dir, os.pardir))  #commands crc cheats qpgs = '\x51\x50\x47\x53\x30\x3f\xda\x0d' qpigs = '\x51\x50\x49\x47\x53\xb7\xa9\x0d' #valid? qmchgcr ='\x51\x4d\x43\x48\x47\x43\x52\xd8\x55\x0d' #? qmuchgcr='\x51\x4d\x55\x43\x48\x47\x43\x52\x26\x34\x0d' #? qpiws = '\x51\x50\x49\x57\x53\xb4\xda\x0d' #valid? pop02 = '\x50\x4f\x50\x30\x32\xe2\x0b\x0d' # set sbu pop00 = '\x50\x4f\x50\x30\x30\xc2\x48\x0d' #set utility  #initialization , open port #possible timeout values: #    1. none: wait forever, block call #    2. 0: non-blocking mode, return #    3. x, x bigger 0, float allowed, timeout block call  ser = serial.serial() #ser.port = "/dev/ttyusb1" ser.port = "com7" #ser.port = "/dev/ttys2" ser.baudrate = 2400 ser.bytesize = serial.eightbits     #number of bits per bytes ser.parity = serial.parity_none     #set parity check: no parity ser.stopbits = serial.stopbits_one  #number of stop bits #ser.timeout = none                 #block read ser.timeout = 1                     #non-block read #ser.timeout = 2                    #timeout block read ser.xonxoff = false                 #disable software flow control ser.rtscts = false                  #disable hardware (rts/cts) flow control ser.dsrdtr = false                  #disable hardware (dsr/dtr) flow control ser.writetimeout = 2                #timeout write   try:  except exception, e:     print "error open serial port: " + str(e)     exit() 		 		 def floortime(dt=none, roundto=60):     """     floor datetime object time laps in seconds     dt : datetime.datetime object, default now.     """     import datetime      if dt none:         dt =      dt_min = datetime.datetime(datetime.minyear, 1, 1)     dt_min = dt_min.replace(tzinfo=dt.tzinfo)      seconds = (dt - dt_min).seconds     rounding = seconds // roundto * roundto     return dt + datetime.timedelta(0, rounding - seconds, -dt.microsecond)        def get_data():     #get inverter data axpert inverter     dc_1_u = 0     dc_1_i = 0     ac_1_u = 0     ac_1_p = 0     dc_2_u = 0     dc_2_i = 0     ac_2_u = 0     ac_2_p = 0     dc_3_u = 0     dc_3_i = 0     ac_3_u = 0     ac_3_p = 0     current_power = 0     daily_energy = 0     total_energy = 0  	     if ser.isopen():         try:             ser.flushinput()            #flush input buffer, discarding contents             ser.flushoutput()           #flush output buffer, aborting current output , discard in buffer             ser.write(qpgs)             time.sleep(0.1)             #give serial port sometime receive data             response = ser.readline()             nums = response.split(' ', 99)             print nums[0], nums[1],nums[2],nums[3],nums[4],nums[5],nums[6],nums[7],nums[8],nums[9],nums[10],nums[11],nums[12],nums[13],nums[14],nums[15],nums[16],nums[17],nums[18],nums[19],nums[20],nums[21],nums[22],nums[23],nums[24],nums[25], nums[26]             the_parallel_num = nums[0]             serial_number = nums[1]              work_mode = nums[2]              fault_code = nums[3]              grid_voltage = nums[4]             grid_frequency = nums[5]             ac_output_voltage = nums[6]             ac_output_frequency = nums[7]             ac_output_apparent_power = nums[8]             ac_output_active_power = nums[9]             load_percentage = nums[10]             battery_voltage = nums[11]             battery_charging_current = nums[12]             battery_capacity = nums[13]              pv_input_voltage = nums[14]             total_charging_current = nums[15]             total_ac_output_apparent_power = nums[16]              total_output_active_power = nums[17]             total_ac_output_percentage = nums[18]             inverter_status = nums[19]             output_mode = nums[20]             charger_source_priority = nums[21]             charger_source_priority = nums[22]             max_charger_range = nums[23]             max_ac_charger_current = nums[24]             pv_input_current_for_battery = nums[25]             battery_discharge_current = nums[26]             print "--------------" 		         except exception, e1:             print "error communicating...: " + str(e1)             ser.close()     else:         ser.close()         print "cannot open serial port " 	     return[1] #just return      def main():     while true:         time.sleep(1)         data = get_data()               if __name__ == '__main__':     main()  
bought pi , connected inverter via usb. not sure how should use code.
see in code ports must specified, dont know how find them.

when click run shell window opens , says
.....file "/home/pi/", line 5, in <module>
ser = serial.serial(
attributeerror: 'module' object has no attribute 'serial'

well, can't on main question how use script have no idea solar inverter or (although i'm sure google can me out there).

however, can fix immediate error: rename file other (and delete serial.pyc file in /home/pi folder. when "import serial" you're importing own serial script rather python serial module why line "ser = serial.serial()" fails.

