i have weather station app. uses dietpi, weewx, cameras , 3g modem stick
set new 1 clone "base" card stuff need installed, customise locality.
stuck card in pi 3. no go. initial reaction must wrong pi or sd card. went through swap exercises. found need either latest jessie or upgraded dietpi. sigh. got latest jessie lite , started install process on again.
on earlier pis modem works out of box. usb-modeswitch thing (with no config me) , modem links /ttyusb0,1 , 2. wvdial works make connection. easy really.
on jessie seems usb-modeswitch there. after boot, lsusb tells me have modem. no obvious thing connected to. google not help. said appears /dev/usb0 - if had one.
used happen ... oh - figured should wvdial , play possible /dev connections. apt-get install wvdial said "yep - getting it" wandered off nevernever. apt-got other things ok. did more once starting new cards. wot?
used day or 2 of life no progress ..... don't think i'll bother 3 now.
set new 1 clone "base" card stuff need installed, customise locality.
stuck card in pi 3. no go. initial reaction must wrong pi or sd card. went through swap exercises. found need either latest jessie or upgraded dietpi. sigh. got latest jessie lite , started install process on again.
on earlier pis modem works out of box. usb-modeswitch thing (with no config me) , modem links /ttyusb0,1 , 2. wvdial works make connection. easy really.
on jessie seems usb-modeswitch there. after boot, lsusb tells me have modem. no obvious thing connected to. google not help. said appears /dev/usb0 - if had one.
used happen ... oh - figured should wvdial , play possible /dev connections. apt-get install wvdial said "yep - getting it" wandered off nevernever. apt-got other things ok. did more once starting new cards. wot?
used day or 2 of life no progress ..... don't think i'll bother 3 now.
run sudo rpi-update on current rpi, shutdown, pull sdcard try booting again on rpi3
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