Raspberrypi.org/ push button animation - problem with omxpla - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have tried push-button-animation raspberrypi.org / make worksheet grandson , created mp4 file not play omxplayer.

so, started clean installation of jessie , followed instructions install software , create python script.

had set of jpg files in folder called animation per instructions.

had change

code: select all

avconv -r 10 -qscale 2 -i animation/frame%03d.jpg animation.mp4 

code: select all

avconv -r 10 -i animation/frame%03d.jpg -qscale 2  animation.mp4 
in order create mp4 file, qscale option has after input files, otherwise error generated avconv.

mp4 file created when run omxplayer

code: select all

omxplayer animation.mp4
video codec omx-h264 width 1920 height 1080 profile 100 fps 10.000000
subtitle count: 0, state: off, index: 1, delay: 0

, no video
have searched internet have not found solution works
have tried
omxplayer -o hdmi animation.mp4

has got suggestions


just sorted it, not enough frames!

created animation 20 frames , worked.

found post on internet 1 said had problems because omxplayer quick, mp4 file short.

20 frames worked treat.

