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Thread: Install script for software

hi there,

i've made script autoinstallation of standard software, is'nt working yet , i've searched google solutions not find one.

have far:

#!/bin/bash clear echo "kubuntu install software script" : <<'end'   kubuntu install software script --------------------------------------------------------------------  run script root: (sudo ...) --------------------------------------------------------------------  testing in virtualbox:  preform:  apt-get update  apt-get upgrade  apt-get install gksu  make sure connected virtualbox additions cd in vm.  navigate cd:  cd /cdrom  ./ --------------------------------------------------------------------  save file  preform: chmod +x  make file exacutable. --------------------------------------------------------------------   install packages --------------------------------------------------------------------  part 1:  build-essential  automake  gimp  firefox  wine  kubuntu-restricted-extras  xine-ui  totem-xine  msttcorefonts  sox  autoconf  filezilla  libdvdread4 when preforming normal install, add gksu line of aps -------------------------------------------------------------------- end apt-get update echo "part 1 ..." apt-get install build-essential automake gimp firefox wine kubuntu-restricted-extras xine-ui  totem-xine msttcorefonts sox autoconf filezilla libdvdread4 echo "finished installing software" read -n 1 -p "done installing" fi # script done
what want add in script makes backup of sources.list , must able add sources. needed installation of software.

know there link managing apt trough commandline, added later.

thought useful post , maybe fun else use it, specialy becouse i'm noob , searching long.

sorry crappy english, i'm dutch thats excuse
greetings, paul dh

just made .sh updating apt , adding wine sources.list:

#!/bin/bash clear echo "this backup sources.list , uncomment repositories in apt" cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup sed -i -e "s/# deb/deb/g" /etc/apt/sources.list apt-get update echo "instert wine repository..." cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup2 wget -q -o- apt-key add - wget -o  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list apt-get update echo "apt updated , wine repository added." echo "there 2 backup files, .backup original." echo ".backup2 updated version without wine." read -n 1 -p "done updating apt , adding wine repositories." fi #script end
be carefull, have'nt tested scripts yet. setup test system when i'm home.

got info from:

greetings, paul

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