April Fools Plugins - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i've created 2 plugins used on site april fools joke. both text scrambler plugins converts text in articles on site.

jx leet speak translates article texts "leet" or 1337 speak known hackers. @ lowest conversion makes text unreadable if don't know how works. @ highest level it's unreadable due high number of available replacement characters. plugin smart , not convert html code, design , of articles should same , actual text changed. make sure plugin ordered after other plugins change articles, or plugin codes might converted.

jx rot 13 plugin rotates characters 13 (or selectable number) in alphabet on content items. makes text pretty unreadable, recognized , "decrypted". using plugin "abcd" becomes "nopq", , "nopq" becomes "abcd".

i have whole bunch of these nutty little functions ready, have converted joomla plugins , documented before can released. until next april fools day hope have lot of them available. , release them wordpress plugins well. 

hi olle,

can please register plugins on extension site , modify post comply open source forum rules: http://forum.joomla.org/index.php/topic,131272.0.html

