From Leonardo to ATtiny85 - Serial and SCL SDA

hi, i'm pretty new arduino world, i've practiced lot leonardo.

on last project i'm using 2 adafruit shields connected leonardo. 1 shield connected tx/rx (0,1), other scl , sda.

the question is: can replace leonardo attiny85, 2 input configured scl , sda , other 2 port serial communication?

if i'm not wrong, think can use attiny85's pin 7 , 8 scl / sda... right?

what using pin 2 , 3 tx/rx?

thank in advance

you need use software serial serial, since attiny85 doesn't have hardware serial. software serial has limitations, , should review make sure meet needs (and/or see if work on leonardo).

also, iirc, i2c different library tiny85.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Microcontrollers > From Leonardo to ATtiny85 - Serial and SCL SDA

