just general question - mount crystal adjacent xtal legs , close dip package of atmega. realise that's purely out of tradition rather knowledge, granted every arduino see that.
since oscillator source of emr had presumed somehow better placed there reduced emr interference atmega/attiny. again that's presumption only. couldn't see in atmega328 datasheet confirm this.
so, question if pcb had ground plane flood locate crystal , capacitors under board, between dip package's legs ?
or there other factor @ play here makes placement elsewhere inferior?
just general question - mount crystal adjacent xtal legs , close dip package of atmega. realise that's purely out of tradition rather knowledge, granted every arduino see that.
since oscillator source of emr had presumed somehow better placed there reduced emr interference atmega/attiny. again that's presumption only. couldn't see in atmega328 datasheet confirm this.
so, question if pcb had ground plane flood locate crystal , capacitors under board, between dip package's legs ?
or there other factor @ play here makes placement elsewhere inferior?
between dip package's legsyes
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Microcontrollers > Locating the XTAL crystal under a DIP microcontroller?
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