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Thread: NetworkManager and dnsmasq-base dns issue

on ubuntu 9.10 desktop have 2 interfaces: wlan0 , eth0.
wlan0 has working connection internet
eth0 connected router

have ubuntu 9.04 desktop testing interet sharing mentioned desktop; has 1 interface eth0.

networkmanager used manage networking, , eth0 has been configured via networkmanager "share other computers".

works great if change nameserver on client wish share internet in /etc/resolv.conf. nameserver gets ubuntu desktop eth0 ip; changed nameserver of isp , works advertised.

computer 1:
ubuntu 9.10 desktop
wlan0: connected internet
eth0: ip =

computer 2:
ubuntu 9.04 desktop
eth0: ip =
managed networkmanager, automatically setup via dhcp

nameserver of computer 2 supposed if so, dnsmasq-base/networkmanager on computer 1 not providing proper dns resolution, fix this. once again, workaround change nameserver 1 used computer 1.

what's in /etc/dnsmasq.conf?

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] NetworkManager and dnsmasq-base dns issue

