MySQL and PHP can't talk - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

heya everybody,

i'm new here, , i've got bit of problem.

i've been beating head in last few days on one. i'm trying configure copy of joomla on windows 2003 server running iis.

now personally, i'm not real big windows fan , i'd rather run server on linux, i've got deal i'm trying done. figured i'd run joomla on apache, can't apache configured correctly on blasted operating system, i've realized i'm going have run on iis.

so i've got iis running , can view php files no problem, can't access mysql database. can't myphpadmin connect sql server (the web server , sql server both on same physical box) , nothing seems able remidy this.

myphpadmin tells me can't connect sql server, , joomla tells me same. mysql , running , can create databases in it, can't talk it.

any ideas on head this? i'm ready throw server out of window.

thanks ya'lls input

john herreshoff

have yuo checked out sticie post @ top of forum regarding installing under iis.

has php got mysql support enabled..?

you try running hisa tool might give idea if there issues (looking mysql support available test)

the joomla! hisa tools may assist you, providing more information , recomendations on configuration;   

discussion here,136328.0.html

download here
