DreamWeaver is to GoLive as ...

... windows os mac os. (i don't windows much)

just got email adobe stating knew going happen. golive dead.

i have adobe - suck doing this. really don't working in dreamweaver doesn't work smoothly golive- in lot of areas. actions great. components great , work better whatever dreamweaver has set up. know cause i've worked dreamweaver's version - it's weak comparison.

dreamweaver's use of common files such css style sheets , "component" type files complete f-ing mess. don't care share type of files between websites.

don't me wrong. dreamweaver has lot of great features isn't integrated golive has been past 6 years. not golive couldn't have used in running faster , been less buggy. adobe dropped ball on one.

dreamweaver seems function more windows user thinks , golive worked way mac person thinks. (think- "start button" shut down computer)

ah, old 'start button' complaint. if must complain that, might find easier unplug computer turn off. on mac (or other modern os), need initiate or 'start' a shutdown process through menu command.

do not worry differences between gl , dw , differences between windows , mac. if have been paying attention, both act more , more other time passes.

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