Raspberry Pi Powerbank - Raspberry Pi Forums


want make raspberry portable. want use raspberry pi 3 bluetooth headset , wifi , rgb leds. calculating 500ma rasp + 300ma leds. thought 10000mah enough 8 hours going.

rasp gets powered powerbank. powerbank should allow charge , charged @ same time. found that, problem when u attach charging cable powerbank, power gone short time. dont want use usv hat pi. know powerbank provides charging , powering @ same time , doesnt take power away when connecting socket?

powerbank found easyacc 2.gen 10000mah. 1 passing through power, im not sure if bank takes power away short time.


here 1

http://www.amazon.de/tecknet-powerzen-t ... b008aisb5a

you might want put question @ top of post gave reading it.

tried battery on me , it's opposite, output power interrupts when disconnected socket. i'll check other batteries have @ home, posting don't forget.

