Arduino stops sending with RF Modul

hi :smiley-lol:

this first post here , hope can me. :smiley-confuse:

im triying communicate between 2 arduinos rfm12b moduls using jeelabs library , work fine, reason "sending" arduino stopps sending  after while, after 150 data packet, after 2,after 29........  different.  ::)

the sent packets received without problems , can see them @ serial monitor reason said, sending arduino stops sending after while. :smiley-mad:

now, if clos serial monitor of sending arduino , open again, starts sending again without problems, stops again after while,,,,this process can repeated time. :smiley-sleep:

so want know if there software or hardware problem or normal (what dont think)?

i hope can me.

thank you  :)

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > Arduino stops sending with RF Modul

