Raspberry Pi for wireless data sharing - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello guys,
bought raspberry pi 3 three days ago without knowledge of programming or networking.
i'm on little project , want ask help. general idea raspberry pi creates wifi hotspot , when person connects wi-fi, lead website can access videos , ebooks stored in raspberry pi or external hard drive.
have succeeded in making wifi hotspot through tutorial adafruit.
don't know how continue finish idea. think has captive portal can't find complete tutorial online. can guys please me?

i interested - want put few weeks worth of sermons on rpi 3 - having included wi-fi make nice "black box" add usb drive sermons, plug in @ mixer @ church , members can download using wi-fi enabled device of choice.

thoughts how have them connect , presented list of available sermons in mp3 format. preferably "double" tap on link , file download starts.

know "pirate box" project little overkill application.

