How to display another language on LCD

hi. i'm korean middle school student. how display language on lcd?

my teacher said"if revise liquidcrystal.h, can display korean."

i try find way display korean. but, couldn't find answer.

can me?
thank you.

#i'm not @ english. though wrong, please deal leniently because hard work me.^^

my teacher said"if revise liquidcrystal.h, can display korean."

that not apparent if @ it, maybe there differentliquidcrystal.hs same name, in case might find 1 korean start.

it possible make custom characters,135955.0.html

and might easier programme run lcd no library. common 5110 lcd. can custom charaters on 5110 using pcd8544 library

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Displays > How to display another language on LCD

