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Thread: SB Live card x86 P3 Coppermine Soundfonts Midi Sequencer

everything complicated do:
have been using sb live card long time midi sequencing , playback.
sound fonts
getting 1 of these 1 of these nice extremely complex high quality vst's a midi sequencer access it!
make rube goldberg caveman.

have spent great deal of time trying figure out then noticed there no consensus on what's hot what's not.
realize people have different preferences , here on these forums mixed scavenger hunt.
i'm not hacker want make music!

i'll use pc runs other operating system midi work until there standard step step midi setup ubuntu like.
hmmmmm....maybe can audio........nah i'll wait.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu_studio] SB Live card x86 P3 Coppermine Soundfonts Midi Sequencer

