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Thread: WebDav user permissions problem

hello everybody,

have issues webdav configuration. have set correctly ubuntu 9.10 apache2 , webdav working.

have setup digest authentification , add later ssl encryption, http fine testing. 2 users access folder , can write in default configuration, webdav working.

want finetune permissions users. here want do.

have folder webdav , 2 users, bobby , sammy. want give example bobby read-only access folder webdav , sammy can write folder.

there possibility <limitexcept> in apache2 on ubuntu?

have found configuration works, have limit , limitexcept keywords, have problem understand why works when add limit limitexcept , not work when set limitexcept alone.

<virtualhost *:80>           serveradmin webmaster@localhost             documentroot /var/www           <directory />                   options followsymlinks                   allowoverride none           </directory>             alias /webdav /var/www/webdav           <directory /var/www/webdav>                   options indexes                   allowoverride none                     dav on                   authtype digest                   authname webdav                   authdigestprovider file                   authuserfile /var/www/.passwd.dav                     <limit head propfind options>                           require user bobby                   </limit>                   <limitexcept head propfind options>                           require user sammy                   </limitexcept>           </directory>             errorlog /var/log/apache2/error.log             # possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error,    crit,           # alert, emerg.           loglevel debug             customlog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined    </virtualhost>
thanks in advance, hope explained problem well, when not feel free ask me questions, thank much.



nobody has idea can do.

not possible fix user permissions read-only <limitexcept>?

can explain me concept behind <limitexcept>, how use it?

thank much.


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