enabling WebGL driver breaks Raspbian - Raspberry Pi Forums

l enabled webgl driver via
sudo raspi-config>advanced>webgl driver>enable.

come find out turning on webgl driver breaks raspbian.

after enabling webgl in raspi-config, system ask if 1 wants reboot. (the system run new settings after rebooting.)

l reboot, large 'rainbow screen' on screen, monitor show command line when mouse/ trackpad sending commands (i.e. if moving cursor around.) points refresh triggering appearance of operable screen.
if user in gui, rainbow screen continues appear (flash) if cursor not moving.

if try this, sure revert disabling webgl via raspi-config before rebooting again.

******beware: not reboot again or rainbow screen going stay , input keyboard not registered pi. have reflash.******

no resolution after l have replaced firmware (start.elf , other *.elf files), kernel.img, kernel7.img, , edited config.txt file include 'boot_delay=1' under \boot\. per solutions from:
http://elinux.org/r-pi_troubleshooting# ... ash_screen
viewtopic.php?t=55464 "stuck on rainbow screen"

l tried on 2 sd cards on separate occasions.

