web controlled car

arduino uno
adafruit wifi shield v1 cc3000 chip
motor shield seeed studios v2.2

i have remote control car stripped down front motor steering(not servo) , rear motor forward reverse. added 2 leds head lights , top mounted led light flashs police lights. have 1 servo in cab of rc truck hold android phone used first person view camera through ip cam app.

my goal create way control on web ever mount iphone wifi hotspot in vehicle wifi shield , android connect to.

i forward , revearce left right steering of course able steer while moving , able mover servo camera left or right. control fom computer.

the reason idea besides being awsome use security spy car @ camp there alot of theft golf carts, cars ect given away easy

the reason idea besides being awsome use security spy car @ camp there alot of theft golf carts, cars ect given away easy
won't steal security spy car?

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > web controlled car

