SD to SD file transfer over Ethernet couldn't find this online?

hello wondering if possible how can transfer file picture or document  from 1 sd card using ethernet shield sd card on arduino ethernet sd card sheild? try around can find ftping information that's other thing have webpage webserver sketch can see what's on sd card , select files transfer on if possible or not i'm not sure of that. can  help me out on should started on idea? it's been on mind long time. thank you.


my arduino web server application @ has both file download , upload code web server serving clients using web browsers. full source code application available download on website in public sd card folder.

the process send (download) file web server client browser quite simple. process receive (upload) file web server client browser quite complex application , source code have robust implementation.

if can 1 arduino system initiate html request (masking browser request) other arduino system according data transfer needs other system can send file. need analyse content received first (receiving) arduino system , parse extract file data. quite complex file upload code in web server application may or may not require.

note file uploads arduino web server not fast. seems w5100 chip has simple handshaking protocol - seems process data blocks received before allowing (and waiting for) next block of data transferred.

data files sent arduino web server quite quick because router , other technologies implement better handshaking , have ability process outgoing data faster arduino system can send it.

hope helps.

catweazle nz

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > SD to SD file transfer over Ethernet couldn't find this online?

