Possible to compile a Rasberry Pi1 Kernel on a Pi2/3? - Raspberry Pi Forums

i've lately compiled custom kernel patches on pi 3 using rpi-source , following directions on raspberry.org on how build kernel. worked nicely. however, kernel , modules pi1 still ones came raspbian jessie.

there simple way compile kernel , modules rasberry pi 1 well, end installation has custom kernel both pi1 , 2/3?

have looked brcmpi_defconfig (for pi1) , 2709_defconfig (for pi2/3), there few differences, be possible change config options accordingly , run compile , make modules_install again , take care of everything? have feeling not enough (?)

yep, works , runs faster because can use make -j 6

source using rpi-source script https://github.com/notro/rpi-source

