How can I flash a program to an MWC ATMega328p MPU6050w/USB Board?

hi guys,

feel free ignore babble...

i new forum (and board programming). mechanical engineer trade unfortunately have little experience in programming/electronic side of engineering, although competent matlab (not help!)

i have decided need learn programming way world going (and fun!)

anyway question:

i have bought pictured components aim of creating gyro camera motorbike ones in motogp. these far more advanced achieve worth shot right?

i started out buying uno , 6050 try , data from. worked fine, found board in title seemed have need on 1 chip... @ £6 thought why not give go!

essentially, have had no problem flashing uno , getting raw data off 6050 know how flash mwc board , same!

does has information board? if can me grateful!



what non-arduino board want upload code to?

post link datasheet.


Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Interfacing w/ Software on the Computer > How can I flash a program to an MWC ATMega328p MPU6050w/USB Board?

