reading vehical wheel speed sensor

so i'm trying input signal front wheel speed sensor mega 2560 board. got rid of abs system on truck, i'm going tap harness. haven't tested signal yet should give me digital dc squarewave, .6v amplitude. 52 pulse/rev. figure max speed ever want record 1905 pulse/sec.

now, on how read signal arduino. figure, research i've done, can input signal digital pin , trigger interrupt rising edge. question is, how go counting frequency accurately?

i've seen have used set gate time , counted pulses, time in between pulses, , somehow time 15 pulse train. best way go this? fine doing last option, i'm very green on programming. appreciated!!

digital dc squarewave :o?  my head hurts...   forgivable given username though ;).

i think we'd need more information on signal. pwm? fixed pulse width limited number of pulses per second? how wide pulses?

0.6v below threshold needed read on digital pin, might need sort of amplification, or bring in through analog pin.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > reading vehical wheel speed sensor

