kde-plasma-desktop - Raspberry Pi Forums

i think nearing pi nirvana.

know default desktop, out of box, comes raspbian ugly sin. well, it's supposed "light weight" small, slow, machine. live it.

default web browser useless. crashes @ it.

today inspired kusti8 install chromium browser. wow, works expected. not crash every 5 minutes. it's great.

led me think, why not use kde-plasma-desktop? kde know , love since 1998 or so. quick (not quick) "apt-get install kde-plasma-desktop"

well. works fine on pi 3.

there funky colours gradients on kdm login page. have find kde settings menu , turn off animations, fades, gradients , graphical effects. (but find true on 2ghz 64 bit pc well)

best of have "konsole". in business.

don't try @ home kids. unless feeling adventurous. it's not clear in kde on pi land works yet.

