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Thread: Methods for copying / cloning / transferring ?

from working small hard drive; methods can used transfer data, settings, drivers, bookmarks, programs, languages, files... larger hard drive ?

using same version,
-into (larger) blank hard drive ?
-into (larger) drive freshly loaded same version ubuntu ?

donor master ide, recipient slave ide

in order transfer identical functionality ?

quitting 9.10 7.10 many hurdles keep/transfer settings. (video, compiz, audio, mainboard drivers unapplicable)

that's great leap in releases, that's sure!

here how it.

# copy directories using tar
cd /source/directory
tar cf - . | (cd /destination/directory && tar xbfp -)

source , destination directories must pre-exist.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [SOLVED] Methods for copying / cloning / transferring ?

