Eye safety of TSAL 6100 Infra Red Emiting Diode

i'm thinking of creating own laser tag system , bit concerned eye safety aspect. of homebrew system i've seen use tsal 6100 diode(tsal 6100 data sheet).

from i've gathered hobbyist forums should totally eye safe. math doesn't add up, math wrong, read is, couldn't find conclusive data disprove it. cannot manage factor in effects lenses have, must keep beam having large spread. here calculations.

first off using inverse suqare law , tsal running @ 1amps (from i've read players run @ 1.5 amps) @ minimum distance of 200mm following result:

ee = 1.5w/sr / (0.2)^2m = 37.5w/m^2 (the 1.5 w/sr tsals datasheet @ 1a)

the irriadiance of 37.5 bit high, it's still under 100w/m^2 safety limit cornea.

the same equation done @ distance of 100mm yields ee of 150 w/m^2 above safety levels. assuming don't point tagger in face , start firing of shoots you'll safe.

what i'm curious how lens affects safety characteristics. assuming lens focal length of 100mm. won't irradiance same irradiance @ distance of 100mm irled.

my math , undesrtanding of principals wrong, curious if put mind @ ease.

i've made rough calculation of retinal hazzard. r(lamb) = 0.33 rad (angular subtense) alpha= 5mm/200mm = 0.025 rad

we'll use alphaeffective = 0.011rad , gives emission limit radiance of 545mw/mm^2/sr

and our iriadiance lir = 1500mw/sr * 0.33 / (5mm)^2 = 99mw/mm2/sr

that's way below limit, if modify active light source 1mm becomes 495, skirting line.

(the tec doc doesn't define active light source size, @ least couldn't find used 5mm )

again above calculations source without concentrating lens. happen if added lens in mix? stay in safe zone? how pulsing diode effect intensity? i'm guessing lowers it, if manage it, i'd numerical demonstration brings closer safer bounds.

the above calculations based on folowing osram paper (osram eye safety calculations), explains principles involved in calculations in bit more detail.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Eye safety of TSAL 6100 Infra Red Emiting Diode

